Plane in the JFK airport in 2013 and 1963 (black and white photo)

The CIA Assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK)

The JFK Files: Everything Implicating the Bush Family, the CIA and MOSSAD  has been Sanitized by the CIA and they added Strange Wave Files in Russian


/Files/JFK/ 2.9 Gbs

/Files/JFK/ 2.4 Gbs

/Files/JFK/ 2.5 Gbs


New CIA Fronts (02-15-2022) These pieces of evidence solve the JFK assassination

CIA Front Oswald Letter

Hunt Bush


Lee Harvey Oswald was working for the CIA through a CIA Front/Partner. After the failed Castro assassination attempt using cancer pathogens which thawed out in flight (Mary's Monkey) and returning from the USSR, Oswald was worried about his position. He knew they were planning something. The CIA under the directives of a plan by George Bush decided to get rid of Oswald as he knew too much. SO now you know Oswald did not kill Kennedy. He was shot by Secret Service and a Cop under the direction of George Bush who was in town on the day on "oil company business". The CIA (George Bush and HL Hunt) killed Kennedy because the Israelis wanted Nukes and there was no way Kennedy was going to give them nukes. - JAR2 Research

50 y.o. CIA Assassination: CIA/Oswald/Castro Cancer Virus Creator


Dr. Mary Stults Sherman - CIA CASTRO OSWALD CHAVEZ



Files/R/CIA_SPECIAL_VIRUS _CANCER_PROGRAM_Progress_Report_1971.pdf




JFK and How the Military Industrial Complex Has Taken Over America

Plane in the JFK airport in 2013 and 1963 (black and white photo)

By John Robles, 23 November, 2013 19:13

One of US President John Fitzgerald Kennedy’s (JFK) most memorable and currently topical speeches was an address before the American Newspaper Publishers Association on April 27, 1961, in which he detailed the role of the mass media and the threat to freedom faced by the world and why the media must be protected and its freedom jealously guarded. The words of JFK ring truer today than they perhaps did in 1961 and what he and Dwight D. Eisenhower warned about has come to be the reality that we all live with today, with now little hope for undoing.

In the speech in question JFK said: “The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it.”

I would argue the opposite is true with regard the fact that Americans are “inherently and historically opposed to secret societies”, quite the opposite is true. No other country in the world has as many secret societies and governmental organs than the US. Historically the US was founded on the biggest lie and secret of all: the genocide of the Indians. The American tendency towards keeping nefarious activities and groups “secret” on might say began with the “secret” treaties signed with the Indians, which were just instruments to guarantee their complete and total annihilation and facilitate their complete and total genocide. As is the secret behind the first Thanksgiving.

This foundation of secrecy led to the formation of secret organizations and societies like the Ku Klux Klan (whose only goal is to maintain white supremacy in America) Skull and Bones, and the like. The maintaining of white supremacy through all means possible is so intertwined in American society, business and government that it would be almost impossible to extricate racism from it. This was the first danger JFK posed to the status quo. An apartheid system of segregation is something the citizens of other countries might not understand but it was an integral part of American society which continues in secret yet noticeable ways today but is naturally a taboo topic for discussion.

JFK: “… there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. And no official, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know.”

What traditions JFK was referring to is not clear, but one might assume the US Constitution or perhaps the status quo of white supremacy? As for dangers being used to expand the meaning of security to the limits, we see that today, and this is exactly what has taken place, with the events of 9-11 being used as the catalyst. Security has been used as a basis for the Patriot Act and the Orwellian Department of Homeland Security  and the complete stripping away of the Constitutional rights of Americans to be free from unreasonable search and seizure, indefinite illegal imprisonment. extra-judicial execution and total surveillance.

The next part of JFK’s speech deals with the boogeyman threat of the USSR during the Cold War but it is a complete and utter irony that the tables have been completely turned and it is people like me and the VOR, Russian media like RT and outlets like WikiLeaks who attempt to expose the truth of the covert, illegal and secret nature of the nefarious activities of the American people’s own government. How times have changed? JFK’s words now almost exactly depict what the United States has become:

JFK: “For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence – on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day.”

The secret and covert means that the US has employed to achieve global domination have included secret treaties, alliances, laws, huge secret spying networks and instruments and everything that has occurred since the War on Terror began. The infiltration and subversion can be seen through the activities of USAID, NGOs and the political manipulation and buying of politicians in almost every country in the world as well as all of the other “efforts” at media, cultural and psychological manipulation. This subversion was most clearly visible in the recent Middle East “revolutions”.

Intimidation is much more clear and stifles free speech, free expression and proper criticism. Again ironic that someone such as I writing for a Russian state media outlet would be one of the few journalists continuously attempting to expose US Government illegality for the American people, whose press can no longer properly carry out the function of the Fourth Estate without facing sanctions, imprisonment and even death.

The epitome of this intimidation is the case of Julian Assange who is trapped in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London as well as all of the other information activists and whistleblowers such as Jeremy Hammond, Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden, who have lost their freedom or faced the full weight of the state for exposing the secrets nefarious activities of the US Government. There is no longer free choice and there is no longer a Constitution in America, those points are widely accepted.

The guerillas by night instead of armies by day quote almost perfectly characterizes the War on Terror and the use of Al-Qaeda (another secret US alliance)and all of the ways that “war” has been fought. Technology of course has made it possible for long-distance remote war to be fought which is an even more nefarious activity and one that JFK would never have even dreamed about.

JFK: “It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.”

What would JFK have thought if he had known that one day the above statement would perfectly reflect the US Government? For we have seen that the relationship between all of these institutions with the addition of law enforcement and the prison and healthcare systems, has become almost completely seamless, with the military industrial complex and the bankers controlling everything, even who becomes president.

The Trans Pacific Treaty is a perfect example of how preparations are concealed, war crimes exposed by Bradley Manning are perfect examples of mistakes being buried as are all of the failing of 9-11, the list of silenced dissenters is too long to list here as are the unquestioned expenditures and the secrets that are not published.

The rest of the speech most notably deals with the role of the press and the fact that dissent and discussion are healthy and necessary if a country is to survive. JFK stated that no president should be afraid of criticism or scrutiny but we have seen since Bush became president this has been the opposite and Obama has only expanded on the control of the media and the stifling of dissent and scrutiny. This is clear by the war Bush and then Obama have waged  on Hacktivists, information warriors, truth-seekers and whistleblowers. People who should have been seen as heroes and who exposed illegality have been demonized, marginalized and eliminated in one way or the other since the cover-up of the events of 9-11 and George Bush’s infamous statement: “Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists!”

“No President should fear public scrutiny of his program. For from that scrutiny comes understanding; and from that understanding comes support or opposition. For I have complete confidence in the response and dedication of our citizens whenever they are fully informed. Without debate, without criticism, no Administration and no country can succeed, and no republic can survive. That is why the Athenian lawmaker Solon decreed it a crime for any citizen to shrink from controversy. And that is why our press was protected by the First Amendment – the only business in America specifically protected by the Constitution – not primarily to amuse and entertain, not to emphasize the trivial and the sentimental, not to simply give the public what it wants, but to inform, to arouse, to reflect, to state our dangers and our opportunities, to indicate our crises and our choices, to lead, mold, educate and sometimes even anger public opinion.”

It is a given and accepted fact in 2013 that the mass media is no longer free and that every reporter, writer and commentator must either engage in self-censorship or risk at minimum job or at most life if he dares to question the government or the president.

The role of the media is now even more important and the last words of JFK that I want to recall are the following:

JFK: “And so it is to the printing press – to the recorder of man's deeds, the keeper of his conscience, the courier of his news – that we look for strength and assistance, confident that with your help man will be what he was born to be: free and independent.”

In my recent research into the events surrounding the assassination of JFK many things began to become clearer. As my readers know I have covered many areas of US Government illegality and written hundreds of articles and interviewed hundreds of people regarding the post 9-11 “War on Terror” paradigm, yet it was the recent research into the JFK assassination, Operation Northwoods and a statement by US President Dwight D. Eisenhower that made things clearer.

Eisenhower said: “A vital element in keeping the peace is our military establishment. This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence — economic, political, even spiritual — is felt in every city, every statehouse, every office of the federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society.”

“In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military–industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals so that security and liberty may prosper together.”

This is exactly what has happened in the US and the events of 9-11 were the final catalyst needed to bring about the complete takeover of all areas of government and society by the military industrial complex.

If we start with the premise that there were members of the US military and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) who were actually proponents of a plan like Operation Northwoods, which called for shooting down passenger aircraft and staging terrorists acts on US soil causing massive loss of civilian lives and we look at what happened on 9-11-2001 the correlations are almost to glaring to ignore, even if we want to ignore them. Eisenhower and JFK’s words are like clues to the JFK assassination and 9-11, clues from the grave, and they cannot be ignored if we are to understand the truth behind 9-11 and the JFK assassination.

After years of research, hundreds of interviews and connecting thousands of dots I can only conclude that the events of 9-11 had their roots in the JFK assassination and that behind the scenes the same players are involved. The same secret and all powerful members of the “Global Shadow Government” carried out the events. Andrew Kreig calls them the Puppet Masters, others call them the “Banksters”, the “Globalists” or the “New World Order People”. Whatever the name they are a dynastic power and they are in fact known and discoverable and their chief instruments for maintaining their order and control are the CIA, the NSA, and secret military branches and alliances such as NATO, Special Operations Command and even Al-Qaeda.

The fact that Bush was present in Dallas that fateful day when the young and smiling Kennedy had his life cut short and then became the Director of Central Intelligence are not mere coincidences. The fact that it was JFK who stopped Operation Northwoods and then was assassinated was also not a coincidence. The fact that the architects of Northwoods continued planning and scheming in the background for decades culminating in the events of 9-11 and then achieved positions of power afterwards, the Rumsfelds and Cheneys et. al. is also not a coincidence.

Also of interest is the seamless relationship between the military industrial complex and the US and other governments, highlighted perhaps by the fact that Keith B. Alexander the Director of the National Security Agency was at the meeting of the Shadow Government in 2009 (or better known as the “Bilderberg Group”) along with representatives of countless defense contractors and private intelligence corporations. Companies such Halliburton, XE and KNBR which have grown rich beyond their wildest dreams since 9-11.

Their machine has now spread its tentacles worldwide and in effect has enslaved the people of the world and if you are reading this on the internet you are connected to their network as well. After all the internet was originally thought up as a secret military network.  But what can we do? Is there any hope? According to everyone I have spoken to we are headed into black times but eventually things will get better. The key to it all is truth and the truth must be known and the truth will set us free.

Again the irony that this message of hope and the call for a stand against tyranny is coming from the former USSR must not be missed. I write this with a heavy heart but with hope for the future and hope that through the ultimate tool of control that was to be the internet we be able to end this black age and bring about peace and true accounting and finally respect for international law. For Americans I would hope that through concerted efforts the leaders would once again be forced to uphold their oaths to the Constitution, because it is not just an abstract piece of outdated legislation, but the foundation on which the country they took from the Indians was based.


JFK Assassination Intertwined with Project Northwoods

By John Robles, 23 November, 2013 19:13

By John Robles, 23 November, 2013 02:16

To understand the circumstances around the assassination of US President John Fitzgerald Kennedy and the forces behind it one has to understand what Project Northwoods was. One also has to understand the racist forces that were fighting to keep segregation, the influence of the military industrial complex, the cold war, those in the shadows controlling everything and the animosity towards Cuba at the time. The actors behind the assassination of JFK were representatives of all these forces. Andrew Kreig, the author of Presidential Puppetry spoke to the Voice of Russia about the JFK assassination and says who he thinks really carried it out.

The following is from a speech by John Fitzgerald Kennedy about freedom of the press. 50 years after his assassination the words he spoke about a: "… monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence" perfectly describe the "War on Terror" hyper-security police state that the US has become. One which continues to battle against those who would expose government illegality.

JFK: "Ladies and gentlemen:

The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it.

Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment.

And no official, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know.

For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence – on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day.

It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.

Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.

No President should fear public scrutiny of his program. For from that scrutiny comes understanding; and from that understanding comes support or opposition. And both are necessary. I am asking your help in the tremendous task of informing and alerting the people. For I have complete confidence in the response and dedication of our citizens whenever they are fully informed.

Without debate, without criticism, no Administration and no country can succeed, and no republic can survive. That is why the Athenian lawmaker Solon decreed it a crime for any citizen to shrink from controversy.

And that is why our press was protected by the First Amendment – the only business in America specifically protected by the Constitution – not primarily to amuse and entertain, not to emphasize the trivial and the sentimental, not to simply give the public what it wants, but to inform, to arouse, to reflect, to state our dangers and our opportunities, to indicate our crises and our choices, to lead, mold, educate and sometimes even anger public opinion.

This means greater coverage and analysis of international news, for it is no longer far away and foreign, but close at hand and local. It means greater attention to improved understanding of the news, as well as improved transmission. And it means, finally, that government at all levels, it must meet its obligation to provide you with the fullest possible information outside the narrowest limits of national security.

And so it is to the printing press – to the recorder of man's deeds, the keeper of his conscience, the courier of his news – that we look for strength and assistance, confident that with your help man will be what he was born to be: free and independent." JFK

On the 15th anniversary of the assassination of the US President John Fitzgerald Kennedy the Voice of Russia spoke to Andrew Kreig, the author of Presidential Puppetry: Obama, Romney and their Masters. Mr. Kreig organized a conference in Dallas, Texas, of researchers, journalists and others interested in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Mr. Kreig gave his views on who was behind the assassination and some of the players that were possibly involved.

You are listening to an interview with Andrew Kreig – the author of Presidential Puppetry: Obama, Romney and their Masters. This is part 1 of a longer interview the rest of which you’ll be able to find on our website in the near future, at

Robles: Hello Mr. Kreig! How are you this evening?

Kreig: I’m doing good, John. Please, call me Andrew.

Robles: Okay. So, I understand you are in Texas. Can you tell us anything about what you are doing there right now, this is associated with a very important anniversary for not only the American people, but a lot of the world?

Kreig: Yes! A lot of us, both researchers and general members of the public converging in Dallas, Texas today to prepare for either ceremonies or remembrances of the 50th anniversary of a murder of President Kennedy on the 22nd . And I’m attending a number of discussions of fellow researchers into how it happened, who did it, what the importance of it is for not just people in the United States, but around the world.

Robles: I’ve done some digging myself and I’d like to get your opinion and, maybe, get some background on certain events that may not be known by the general public.

First off, starting with the political climate in the United States during President Kennedy’s presidency, during the early 60s – the Civil Rights Movement, his calls for transparency in Government etc. Can you tell our listeners a little bit what exactly was the political climate and the civilian climate?

Kreig: I was a young person then, but I’ve done a lot of reading about it all since. You know, there was a great deal of excitement in his call to public service.

A little known fact is that if you look at the old pictures, this is kind of a small point, but men used to wear hats all the time in public. And part of his kind of fresh approach was that he didn’t wear a hat in public. And most people stopped then. It is just a small way of the impact.

It was a very exciting time. He was the first Catholic President and so that meant a lot to the Catholic population, young people and democrats after 8 years of Republican’s Government. That was the climate. But there was also a lot of tension and fear of war over Cuba and other Cold War activities.

Robles: Among the enemies that the late John F. Kennedy had when he was president, would you say there were a lot ofUS racist-hate groups and people who were still for segregation that would have wanted him dead?

Kreig: Absolutely! Because it was a way of life in the South and more than, he was threatening to use federal troops. People could see where it was coming, because federal troops had been used under the republicans a few years previously. And so, people just didn’t like the general direction of things.

He was definitely hated and suspected and attacked but it is also important to realize, looking back on this, that a lot of that was fomented in a way somewhat artificially. But that’s another story.

Robles: I was doing a little research myself and came across a very interesting fact, several of them actually. I was wondering if you could comment or expand on them, anything you might now.

Number one, there were reports and there was evidence that George Bush was in Dallas that day and that he was already working for the CIA, that he was controlling, who people have said were the shooters, or the shooter, or the team. What can you tell us about George Bush being in Dallas?

Kreig: There is a picture that anybody can find on the Internet of somebody who looks like George Bush…

Robles: I saw the picture. I would say it looked more like Clinton, judging by the forehead, but he was too young.

Kreig: There is this picture and it is seldom discussed, most people don’t even know about it.

We know that oddly both George H. W. Bush and Richard Nixon were in Dallas on separate business earlier that week.

And there are various reports that are not totally confirmed about what he might have been doing or where he was, but it is important to know that he was in and out of CIA work, and often the work is under the name of a "private business". So, it is not on the payroll but it seems to have those kinds of connections.

Robles: Wasn’t that Zapata Oil or something?

Kreig: The name of the company was Zapata Oil and it actually had some different names of variants of Zapata. And there is excellent evidence, that I’ve portrayed in my new book Presidential Puppetry, that one of the co-founders(Thomas Devine) had been in the CIA and later, after Zapata, returned to the CIA.

So, this is this kind of mixture of private business and back and forth with the agencies. And of course any agency activity is not part of the official biography until he became head of the CIA in the 1970s.

Robles: What do you think about his involvement in the assassination of JFK? Do you think he was involved in some way?

Kreig: I would say there is important evidence that he (George Bush) was part of the CIA dating back to the time just after he got out of Yale. And we know he was in Dallas. There is a picture of him or kind of looks like him on that day. But I’m not personally prepared to go beyond that and make an accusation.

Robles: Regarding a threat by Nixon and a threat by Johnson towards Nixon: Nixon, I believe, told Johnson; “Call off your dogs, or I’ll tell them you were bugging my phone", or something, “… during the election campaign”, and Johnson replied by telling him, reportedly; "I will tell them about your involvement in the JFK assassination." Can you expand on that? And then Johnson died, I believe it was ten days later, if I remember.

Kreig: I’ve heard of that, I’m sorry, I’m going to be a little bit conservative in my judgments.

Robles: What about Northwoods? Project Northwoods? And the Cubans?

Kreig: I think Northwoods is extremely important and I believe that it’s almost impossible to have an intelligent conversation about what caused the assassination without mentioning either Northwoods or the name Colonel Fletcher Prouty, who was a very high up liaison in the US Government between the Defense Department and the Central Intelligence Agency.

Northwoods was a plan by the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States to create false flag operations in the 1962 time period and blame the deaths of Americans on Cuba and that way foster International tensions and create a justification for a US invasion after Bay of Pigs fiasco that would take out Castro.

This was a super secret plan for obvious reasons, that was not disclosed really publicly until 2001, in a path-breaking book by James Bamford called "Body of Secrets".

The concept that the US military would advocate such a despicable plan is extremely important particularly because we now know that Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara and President Kennedy rejected this plan.

And that irritated high level officials in the military, particularly because some of them not only saw their plan rejected, but they suffered career setbacks, and you see, this provides one of a number of motives for: either less-than-forthcoming investigations by the US government and CIA and Allen Dulles after the death, and or even a motive for the killing.

The reason I mentioned Colonel Prouty before, he died in 2001 and so during his lifetime this plan was secret but he certainly would have known about it, and he wrote two very important books in 1973 and 1996 in which he disclosed what he thought were highly unpatriotic efforts by the US military and the Central Intelligence Agency, and he in fact served as a consultant to Oliver Stone in the movie "JFK" and Colonel Prouty’s 1996 book blamed the assassination essentially on the Central Intelligence Agency.

So he did not mention operation Northwoods because it was so classified that he would have known about it, and it’s for these reasons that I think it’s very difficult to talk about what might have happened and who did it if one does not know about Northwood or Colonel Prouty.

You were listening to part 1 of an interview with Andrew Kreig – the author of Presidential Puppetry: Obama, Romney and their Masters. You can find part 2 this interview on our website at in the near future. Thank you very much for listening and as always I wish you the best wherever you may be.

“For as a wise man once said: ‘ An error does not become a mistake, until you refuse to correct it!’” - JFK

JFK: One Fact is True, the Warren Commission Got It Wrong – Andrew Kreig

People who knew Lee Harvey Oswald and even Oswald himself, maintain to this day that he was just the fall guy for the Kennedy assassination. Although the Warren Commission concluded that the assassination was carried out by a lone shooter, Lee Harvey Oswald, all of the evidence points to at least three. Even the fact that the three shots in six seconds came from different locations and that the bolt action rifle Oswald had had a defective site and could not have physically been reloaded fast enough to fire three shots in six seconds, did not stop the Warren Commission from blaming Oswald. One fact that all scholars and investigators seem to be able to agree on is that some aspects or actors in all of the possible theories may have worked together to assassinate JFK. Researcher and author Andrew Kreig spoke to the Voice of Russia from Dallas Texas on the 22nd of November and shared his insights into the JFK assassination.

Hello, this is John Robles. I'm speaking with Mr. Andrew Kreig. He is an attorney, the founder and director of the Justice Integrity Project and a legal reform advocate and the author of Presidential Puppetry: Obama, Romney and their Masters.This is an interview in progress.

Kreig: Colonel Prouty’s 1996 book blamed the assassination essentially on the Central Intelligence Agency. So he did not mention operation Northwoods because it was so classified that he would have known about it, and it’s for these reasons that I think it’s very difficult to talk about what might have happened and who did it if one does not know about Northwood or Colonel Prouty. And by the way, Colonel Prouty, there is a website -it's, those who were guardians of this very important US patriot have a website that makes his work available.

Robles: I see. What can you tell us about Oswald? And in particular now you've heard of the book Dr Mary's Monkey. Are you familiar with the assassination program?

Kreig: I'm not familiar with the full content. Just a few moments ago I met Judyth Baker who was his mistress in New Orleans during the summer before, I mean they were lovers, maybe mistress is a bad word (not politically correct anymore, but he was married, she was about to be married, but they were lovers. And she is here at one of the conferences and she wrote a book called Lee and Me.

Robles: This is Judyth Vary Baker?

Kreig: Yes. She is here at this conference. It's interesting that if you dig down people like his widow and Judyth Baker and his mother before she died, they believe he was a patsy just like he said.

I’m getting a little off the point that you were driving at, I wanted to say that I’m here, right outside the restaurant which is on the route the motorcade took, and once one gets into this research John, it's quite fascinating.

If we get over the hurdle of saying well it happened a long time ago, nobody can do anything, no one can know. It's actually not that long ago. It has a lot of implications right now. Because if this kind of murder cannot be solved with all of this evidence, that it couldn't have been a way the Warren Commission said it was. That's the big picture.

I've maybe avoided going out on a limb on a couple of your questions and here is the reason: it's great to break new ground and so forth, but the main point needs to be asserted again and again: it could not have happened the way the official verdict of the Warren Commission said it happened. And it's commutations of that and why the news media and the government won't address that, just the fundamental question, that I think needs to be focused upon with all credibility and attention.

Robles: I'd like you to comment if you could on a theory, I don't know, that British media came out with several days ago that John F. Kennedy was shot in the back of the head by a secret service driver who had a shotgun pointed at Kennedy and the car lurched or something and he accidentally shot him.

Kreig: It's based on evidence that is actually kind of old, about 20 years ago.

I'm sure they put a lot of attention and arguments for that theory and if something is new and it's in book form, people are going to take that somewhat seriously.

I'm not going to try to undercut that work but I'll just say in general, when you have a mystery of this scope and importance at some point the distraction of the novel theories, is in general I think we've got to look at them with some suspicion. Because the net result of 2,000 books is a lot of people are not going to read any of them, because they will just say: 'We don't have time to read 2,000 books'.

And if people come up with a new theory and it gets a lot of comments, a lot of us in this kind of research community would look at them with some suspicion, not to drill down too much on that. You know, there were a lot of witnesses there. And it seems: "how come there is not more people who saw this?" How come that wasn't investigated?

I saw one treatment of this: "Ooops! I killed the president!

If you want to talk about farfetched theories, that's a little farfetched straight on its face. And I think there is lots of much more compelling evidence for alternative theories. But you know, to jump ahead so I don’t lose this kind of important point: I assembled a conference two days ago, that I mentioned previously, at the National Press Conference, bringing together a number of investigative reporters on different topics including my book Presidential Puppetry but also other things like the JFK assassination and election machine fraud and some other very sensitive issues. And I had some world class experts on the JFK assassination there including, a leading archivist, two time New York Times bestseller Jerome Corsi and Dan Maldaiya and they had somewhat different ideas they are best known for: Jerome Corsi has a new book that blames it on the CIA, Dan Maldaya is a leading investigator of the mafia.

And in closing a very interesting session that lasted an hour longer than it was scheduled because no one wanted to leave either in the audience or on the panel, and in closing I said: "Maybe it's possible, that several of these theories are not exclusive, but they can all be true".

So for example I said maybe it was a CIA plan where they partly used trained killers from the mafia to pull the trigger.

And maybe Lyndon Johnson had a role at least in covering it up, you see there is a lot of books, John as you know, that are blaming the whole thing on Lyndon Johnson.

So in closing I said to these really world class experts, I said: "Does anyone disagree with the concept that all of the ideas might be true?" Aside from the Warren Commission Report.

And in general these very articulate people each responded in a unique way but no one disagreed with the idea that several of these theories could all be true.

Robles: So you had several plans and several people with a common goal maybe coalescing into an overall plan? You think maybe it could have included for example white supremacists, or pro-segregationists and CIA people, military people, military industrial complex people, possibly Rockefeller?

Kreig: It doesn't sound too ludicrous. Here is the way that that kind of thing might actually work: it's not as if they are doing some kind of a petition drive and they say:"Well, let's get some Ku Klux Klan and racists to sign on to our thing here!"

It could be that somebody who hates Kennedy is both part of the mafia and a racist.

Robles: And a member of CIA somehow.

Kreig: They wouldn’t be a member of the CIA, particularly in that era, that a very elite group, it's kind of Ivy League, Yale and Harvard, so you don't have too many made-members of the mafia there which is all Italian. But here is how it might work: people saying: "Kennedy is really hurting what we are trying to do here, he is working with Khrushchev and they are talking about peace and we built up a tradition of fighting Communists and he is undermining it. How can we do this?"

And someone might say: "We've got this guy Oswald and we can blame it on him. We know some people in the mob who hate him and they are used to killing people without a thought".

And here is a very important part, John, just to clarify how a complex plan might work: hardly anybody knows what the plan is, on a what's called "need to know basis".

So it's not like people are doing Powerpoint and handing them out, they are just telling somebody, maybe it's Oswald….

They say: "Ok, here is a job. We want you to show up, it's your job Dealey Plaza. We just got you this job – do this".

Before that it was go out and hand out some leaflets in New Orleans for Cuba.

So they are telling everybody what to do, but they don't tell them why they are supposed to do it. And they don't even know who else is involved in anything, they are given a very narrow job. They have one contact person who tells them what to do and they do it. And that's also the way the mob works.

You know, the big bosses pretending to be some legitimate business and the word is just passed to a street soldier or hit-man, saying: "The organization would like you to take care of this guy".

That's it. I mean there is no explanations for it.

Robles: Who is giving the instructions in this case then?

Kreig: Many of these books are saying that it's highly likely that Allen Dulles who Kennedy fired as head of the CIA in 1962, over the Bay of Pigs, he would have had the whole picture.

It's also highly likely that a couple of his assistants including James Jesus Angleton, who was a leader in counterintelligence for many years, that he would have known all of this. And that's in fact the focus of a number of these books and if you read between the lines when Colonel Fletcher Prouty was writing his book and he was right in the middle of this, he may not have been told details.

If you go to youtube you can see that he recognized one of the leading CIA assassin types Edward Lansdale walking on the street right here in Dallas right after the killing occurs.

Prouty gives a five-minute interview and anybody can watch it on youtube, saying he instantly recognized Lansdale (he was kind of a notorious or famous anti-communist warrior from that era) as being there.

So there is a very important concept here that, I guess I'm repeating it, but it's that people just do what they are told. They are not told what the plan is.

And if George H.W. Bush was there he would have been relatively young. He graduated from Yale in 1948. The fact that he was there doesn't mean he was in charge of anything necessarily, so trying to affix very specific responsibility on individual people particularly on people who are alive or a lot of people like George H.W. Bush.

I've got a whole chapter in my new book about George H.W. Bush and one of the challenges for me as a writer trying sum things up about the man is that: I know people who know him, who think he was a genuinely nice guy in many ways. And as an author trying to write concise history that's a real challenge, because there is a lot of people in history who may be part of diabolical schemes, but on an individual level they may be very nice, they are well-bred, they go to nice schools, they write condolence notes when somebody dies, they go to funerals, they give nice speeches.

So, there is an expression "being the skunk at the garden party", that we, investigative writers, are often reminded of because nobody wants to hear this stuff, they'd much rather: 'he used to be our president, he is a nice old man". Why mention such thoughts?

That was the end of part 2 of an interview with Andrew Kreig, an attorney, a founder and director of the Justice Integrity Project. He is also the author of Presidential Puppetry: Obama, Romney and their Masters. You can find part 1 of this interview on our website - JFK assassination intertwined with Project Northwoods – Andrew Kreig.

JFK’s Assassin May Have Been on the Warren Commission

There are forces in the United States and in the world who are above and able to influence the highest US Government officials, including the President of the United States himself. They might be called Puppet Masters, the Shadow Government, the Secret Team or what have you, but the meaning is the same; powerful dynastic forces that control almost everything. According to Andrew Kreig, in an interview with the Voice of Russia, it is important to reveal these forces to understand the presidencies of both Bush and Obama, who he says live in fear that what happened to Kennedy might happen to them. This is the reason that Mr. Kreig believes it is extremely important to solve the Kennedy assassination. In part three Mr. Kreig finally reveals who he believes carried out the assassination of JFK, his conclusion may surprise you.

On the 50th anniversary of the assassination of the US president John Fitzgerald Kennedy the Voice of Russia spoke to Andrew Kreig, the author of Presidential Puppetry: Obama, Romney and their Masters. Mr Kreig organized a conference in Dallas, Texas of researchers, journalists and others interested in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Mr. Kreig gave his views on who was behind the assassination and some of the players that were possibly involved at that time.

This is part 3 of an interview with Andrew Kreig, the author of Presidential Puppetry. He is also an attorney, the founder and director of the Justice Integrity Project. You can find the previous parts of this interview on our website at This interview is in progress.

Robles: My last question then, if you can briefly comment on Lee Harvey Oswald’s Soviet connection. He had a wife named Marina. He was a Soviet citizen and people said maybe he was working for the CIA. He came back and they decided to just set him up, if you could comment on that. And finally, the big question in the mind of Andrew Kreig who was behind the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy?

Kreig: Ok, well, I think any understanding of Oswald and his potential role has to be address, just for basic credibility, the possibility that he was a double or triple agent, and yet the conventional wisdom that is still in force at the major newspapers and broadcasting outlets is that he was just a troubled unpatriotic left-wing person.

And yet there is a lot of evidence that he was part of a Marine program, he was a Marine and that he was trained and facilitated in this defection in a very complicated cat-and-mouse game in which it now looks like the Russians were also complicit.

And this is a very sophisticated chess game in which it’s far beyond the typical commentary in the news media because it’s not as if the Russians would have welcomed him in to be a defector without knowing that he is a former marine and he might be a double agent. But the concept was, even in that situation, maybe he could pass on some information.

So nobody knows quite who is going to win that battle but he was most likely a pawn in this and at some point the pawns, as chess players know, become dispensable.

So I think it is fairly clear that that’s what happened and that certainly what his wife thought and there is all kinds of evidence that I won’t get into. But I do recommend people to study more about this possibility and if they are thinking about this, to at least challenge whoever they are talking with to address this possibility.

As to who actually did it: Chief Justice Earl Warren told someone: “We may never know” and he may not have known.

This is a game that was probably being played even above his level. He was Chief Justice of the United States so you would think “there is no higher level”.

But that’s why I called my new book Presidential Puppetry but it also applies to justices of the court. We think that they are the highest and most important people, but there are actually puppet masters above them who helped them get to those jobs and when they are in the jobs have the ability to threaten them or at least offer inducements of other kinds.

Without bogging down in the details, there is significant evidence that a number of people on the Warren Commission who you’d think from their high levels of government are totally independent and totally committed to the public knowledge and welfare and many parts of their careers may indicate that, but I think we know also from the Kennedy family itself that individuals who can be at the highest level are human beings who have secrets that can be used to blackmail them, to intimidate them or their relatives. And in this kind of situation I think that was brought into play.

And if you ask me who I think did it, I think the evidence from my panel this week and so many of the credible books, points to a plot by what I would call the Puppet Masters, others may call it the Military-Industrial Complex that was president Eisenhower’s terms, other might say Wall Street, Colonel Fletcher Prouty called his first book in 1973 “The Secret Team”. But it all means the same thing, it’s powers that are above the level of the government officials.

And the government officials, the key one here would have been Allen Dulles who was fired by Kennedy and who later became the most important member of the Warren Commission. And he may have been investigating his own crime, because all of the other eight members of the Warren Commission had very busy jobs. And he was out of work essentially, because he’d been fired by the murder victim.

So he had one of the biggest motives but he also had a key position to be able to persuade other people about how the investigation should go.

And here is one other element that is often lost and that I have again documented: it’s the role of the news media, which is how I started my carrier as a newspaper reporter “magazines”.

And this book research has been an astonishing and a very sad revelation to me - how deeply complicit the intelligence agencies have been with the highest levels of the news media in the United States on these kinds of sensitive stories.

And so part of the reason I held this conference this week was my feeling that we all have to take responsibility to do what we can as citizens with the help of the Internet (and we are all part of the media at least in a small way) and get these issues out in a very blunt way.

Maybe I’m wrong but I’m right here in Dallas where a legal secretary, so she was his secretary for a lawyer, her name was Mary Ferrel and she immediately thought “this is not right” and she got her husband to buy every copy of the newspapers that day reporting on this and that became the largest collection of documents on all of this. It’s called the Mary Ferrel Collection of documents.

That I find a quite inspirational story that an ordinary person, a secretary, sees that something doesn’t seem right and makes it possible for others to study and reach their own conclusions.

And as a final note I’ll say that one of the reasons that I’m undertaking all this effort and in fact my book Presidential Puppetry, is that I think that this is not just ancient history. The evidence I’ve obtained and write about in the conclusion of my book is that presidents are always going to be scared that the same thing will happen to them as long as this crime is not solved or at least discussed more openly.

So I present evidence that president Obama is intimidated by the same forces and cannot really act as he should in the public interests as long as he is in fear of meeting the same fate. And I think if you look deeply, all of these leaders are vulnerable, no matter how many guards they have they are all vulnerable.

So that’s why this is personally important to me and I hope to listeners because I don’t think you can understand what our last two presidents have done unless you realize that they are not totally safe or as powerful as it may seem. They all have to be worried.

Robles: Andrew, in your books and you’ve just now mentioned people that are above the president, people that are above Supreme Court Justices, people that are above Obama, that they are afraid of: who are these people? Who is this? This sounds like a shadow government.

Kreig: Well, it is. I mention a lot of names in the end of my book to try to answer that question and not hold back.

I’ll give you a couple of the names, but here is why I’m not going to try to go down a whole list. One name is obviously David Rockefeller, he is 98 years old, he is in a wheel-chair but he still went to the Bilderberg meeting with 130 other puppet masters in June in London. That’s an annual meeting of one of these secret societies.

So his name is not going to show up on writing donations to candidates but he is head of so many organizations that… they have people who write the donations four levels down, to Republicans or the Democrats. And he doesn’t need to get involved in that.

You are looking at people with at least $500 million in assets, maybe more. Some of them are non-US. I would put the Saudi government in that kind of category, some other leading figures, and mentioning the Saudi government kind of gives a sense (or royal family I should say) gives a sense of the vast amount of money that these folks have. But also why I’m not going to try to do an encyclopedia here and bore your listeners because part of the way they stay in power is they remain in the shadows. They don’t want publicity.

While people may remember the name Rockefeller, many of the others are obviously younger and more vigorous but don’t have as famous a name. So it’s very hard for the public to get a grasp on who they are or develop interest in these people, they are not necessarily that good-looking. And we live in societies where most people have to work very hard. They have short time for this kind of study so if you can make it interesting and glamorous, nobody is going to remember all these names of people, in the Saudi Royal Family, for example.

That’s why it’s very important to understand the concept and know that the information is there, if people need to dig down in it. But it’s openly distracting and a little boring to try to run off lists, because the real leaders are often obscured intentionally. And just like the puppet masters on stage, they want to be above the stage, they don’t want to be seen. But we are watching them.

Robles: I see. Can you give us a couple names? If you don’t mind?

Kreig: Oh, well, I gave you Rockefeller. If you go to the list of Bilderberg attendees here is another name, there is Henry Kravis, who goes to Bilderberg every year. He is second generation, his father helped develop in the United States a very important tax policy so that oil companies don’t have to pay much in taxes.

And Henry Kravis is now head of KKR, a leading Wall Street company. He has worked for years on an American board of Directors of the Bilderberg Group with Donald Graham, the owner of the Washington Post and Henry Kissinger who comes from the Rockefeller Empire.

So here you have..Just to use this one example of Bilderberg, there are other groups like that, but it’s a small one of 130 people each year. Here you have Henry Kravis, you know, Wall Street, the oil industry, low taxes.

And by the way they’ve just hired General Petraeus to be CEO of one of their funds, so Petraeus after his disgrace that got him fired from the CIA a year ago, he is now back in the good graces of the big boys on Wall Street if not with Bilderberg himself.

Then you have the long time leader of the Washington Post who has just sold his company to another Bilderberg member the head of But Donald Graham instead of reporting on all of these secret societies’ plans, he is on the board of Directors of the secret society.

Robles: Is this the same group the Shadow Government that was behind 9-11? Can you comment on that?

Kreig: We are talking about 40 years of difference in time. I think that the researchers who have spent a lot of time on this would say there is a heavy degree of overlap.

I think 9-11 needs a whole different groundwork. But I will here be a reporter rather than a commentator or expert (presumptive expert) and say that those who believe that there are huge unanswered questions about 9-11 would draw the connections but it’s by and large a different generation of actual government leaders and what we call Puppet Masters. But these are dynastic forces, for all of those who believe that there is common ground.

It gives you a sense of why each of us as a citizen, a citizen of the world, has to do our own research and not just take what’s put before us.

If I can end that one note, one thing I would like to say about the book is it’s got 1,100 footnotes, a lot of them are hot links so people who are doing the research, that can’t get into on a radio interview. But it’s basically a book for those who want to understand the news, not just listen to it.

Robles: And your book is called..

Kreig: Presidential Puppetry: Obama, Romney and their Masters.

Robles: Andrew, thank you very much, I really appreciate it. I hope you have a very good evening.

Kreig: Thank you, John.

That was the end of part 3 of an interview with Andrew Kreig, an attorney, the founder and director of the Justice Integrity Project. He is also the author of Presidential Puppetry: Obama, Romney and their Masters . Thank you very much for listening and we wish you the best wherever you may be.



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